NIFTY® advantages
Most validated NIPT on the market with a published study based on the pregnancy outcomes of over 112,000 women. No other test has validation data based on such a large cohort.
The only NIPT on the market to offer testing services for deletion syndromes and sex chromosome aneuploidies at no extra cost.
Proven low redraw rate of just 2.8% based on over 600,000 tests.
Largest capacity and coverage making NIFTY® price competitive against all other NIPT providers.
A Comparison of Detection Rates

A Comparison of False Positive Rates (FPR)

NIFTY® performance
The excellent performance of NIFTY shown by early validation studies.

*The data in the table are based on past literature and Internal data[1],[2],[3],[4], and only reflect past testing conditions, and do not represent the actual situation or promised value of the tested samples.
1.Zhang H, Gao Y, Jiang F, Fu M, Yuan Y, Guo Y, Zhu Z, Lin M, Liu Q, Tian Z, Zhang H, Chen F, Lau TK, Zhao L, Yi X, Yin Y, Wang W. Non-invasive prenatal testing for trisomies 21, 18 and 13: clinical experience from 146,958 pregnancies. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2015 May;45(5):530-8. doi: 10.1002/uog.14792. Epub 2015 Apr 8. Erratum in: Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Jul;46(1):130. PMID: 25598039.
2.Liu H, Gao Y, Hu Z, Lin L, Yin X, Wang J, Chen D, Chen F, Jiang H, Ren J, Wang W. Performance Evaluation of NIPT in Detection of Chromosomal Copy Number Variants Using Low-Coverage Whole-Genome Sequencing of Plasma DNA. PLoS One. 2016 Jul 14;11(7):e0159233. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159233. PMID: 27415003; PMCID: PMC4945049.
3.Song JP, Jiang YF, Gao TX, Yao YY, Liu LJ, Xu RH, Yi MQ, Yu CJ, Wang WP, Li H. Performance of non-invasive prenatal screening for sex chromosome aneuploidies and parental decision-making. Chin Med J (Engl). 2020 Jul 5;133(13):1617-1619. doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000000868. PMID: 32501830; PMCID: PMC7386330.
4.Jiang F, Ren J, Chen F, Zhou Y, Xie J, Dan S, Su Y, Xie J, Yin B, Su W, Zhang H, Wang W, Chai X, Lin L, Guo H, Li Q, Li P, Yuan Y, Pan X, Li Y, Liu L, Chen H, Xuan Z, Chen S, Zhang C, Zhang H, Tian Z, Zhang Z, Jiang H, Zhao L, Zheng W, Li S, Li Y, Wang J, Wang J, Zhang X. Noninvasive Fetal Trisomy (NIFTY) test: an advanced noninvasive prenatal diagnosis methodology for fetal autosomal and sex chromosomal aneuploidies. BMC Med Genomics. 2012 Dec 1;5:57. doi: 10.1186/1755-8794-5-57. PMID: 23198897; PMCID: PMC3544640.